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Can You Paint a Fiberglass Bathtub?

Accumulated mineral deposits may cause your tub to discolor or turn yellow. You might think of painting or resurfacing the fiberglass in the worst-case scenario. However, can you paint a fiberglass bathtub?

Refinishing a fiberglass bathtub is possible. Using the appropriate paint on a well-prepared surface will allow you to revitalize your old bathtub. The key to addressing adhesion issues is to sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper.

Read on because I will discuss why fiberglass tubs turn yellow, how to prep the fiber surface, and what kind of paint to use in refinishing your bathtub. Additionally, I will provide insights on whether refinishing an old fiberglass bathtub is worth your effort.

Can You Paint a Fiberglass Bathtub
Image by: Foxvalleybathtubrefinishing.com

Why Do Fiberglass Tubs Turn Yellow?

The common issue you get with a fiberglass tub is discoloration. Soap scum and hard water or mineral deposits cause this problem. 

Exposure to harsh chemicals or solvents can also be the reason behind the turning-yellow bathtub. Exposure to heat or UV light can also cause the tub to turn yellow. Oxidation caused by the bromine content of the fiberglass material may also contribute to the yellowing bathtub.

It cannot be very pleasant to see another maintenance expense in the making when your tub starts turning yellow. But it is bound to happen – fiberglass bathtubs would experience that problem at some point.

You can try some methods to remove the yellow stain, like using different brands of cleaning solutions. However, sometimes these methods cannot remove the stain and restore your bathtub’s original beauty.

When everything fails, the thought of painting over the stains or refinishing the bathtub becomes very strong. The question is: is it the right thing to do?

Is it Worth Refinishing a Fiberglass Bathtub?

We sometimes can’t let go of things even when they’ve gone really old because of what we call “sentimental value.” So, we try to salvage them whenever possible. 

You must answer a couple of questions to understand if it is worth refinishing your old fiberglass bathtub. Is it cheaper to paint or resurface your bathtub? Can you save money if you purchase a new tub?

Selling your worn-out bathtub is a good option. If your old bathtub is still usable by other people, you can sell it and use the proceeds to buy the new item. I know a few people who do that.

It is a smart thing to do. Isn’t it? But as I said, you need to compare the costs first.

Refinishing an old fiberglass bathtub may cost you between $300 to $1000. This range is provided that you hire a professional to do it.

How much does it cost you if you do it yourself? Before discussing the DIY fiberglass bathtub refinishing project cost, ask yourself if you have the experience to do it. Let the pros do the job if you are not confident that you can pull it off.

Considering that you have the talent to do it, refinishing your fiberglass bathtub will cost you between $30 to $150 for the refinishing kit alone. Of course, other costs are involved in the job, like your protective clothing, the equipment you use, etc.

What about if you get yourself a new bathtub? You can get a fiberglass bathtub for as low as $500. However, there are other costs you incur. The installer or labor pay is the highest, estimated at around $2000.

So, is it worth refinishing your old fiberglass bathtub? Well, what do you think? The figures above show that you save yourself so much by repainting the tub if it is still in good condition.

How Do You Prep a Fiberglass Tub For Painting?

how to prepare fiberglass bathtub before painting
Image by: Bunnings.co.nz

Preparation of the fiberglass surface before painting your bathtub is a must. Otherwise, you will have adhesion issues. It is not worth spending on something that only lasts for a short time.

If you do not prep up the bathtub surface, you will likely face paint peeling issues. This problem is expected if the paint’s bond is not very strong because of frequent water exposure.

Take a look at the quick steps to prepare your fiberglass bathtub before painting below:

Step 1: Remove the tub and do your project in a well-ventilated area if possible. Jump to the next step if your tub is fixed on your shower.

Step 2: Clean the tub with soap scum remover or alternatives like acetone and diluted bleach.

Step 3: Fix apparent cracks due to age using epoxy putty.

Step 4: Remove the tub’s fixtures, like the plug and the drain covers, or cover them with painter’s tape.

Step 5: Clean off or remove the waterproof filler or sealant (caulk) using a utility knife.

Step 6: Lightly sand the fiberglass using 220-grit sandpaper. You can use a hand sander or an orbital sander but only apply a little pressure.

Step 7: Clean the surface from sanding dust using a tack cloth dampened with soapy water. If you’re doing the project indoors, do not use a blower or compressed air to clean the dust because you will spread it all over the room.

Step 8: Apply a primer when necessary (this is ideal if there stubborn stains that you need to cover). 

Step 9: When the primer dries (allow at least 8 hours), lightly sand the primed surface again using your 220-grit sandpaper.

Step 10: Clean the fiberglass tub again using your tack cloth. Your bathtub surface should be ready for painting at this point.

Does Fiberglass Need To Be Primed Before Painting?

Some people skip priming because it means more expenses. Additionally, it prolongs the project because you would need to wait for the primer to cure before proceeding with your painting job.

Those who’ve tried skipping the primer say it still worked because the epoxy-based paint still sticks very well to the surface if sanded lightly with fine-grit sandpaper. But if your pocket is deep and you have ample time, priming the fiberglass will surely give you better results.

If you do not use epoxy-based paint, you should always prime the surface. Otherwise, you will be wasting resources because non-epoxy paint can hardly bond with the surface without a primer.

Experts highly recommend that a fiberglass surface be primed before painting, regardless of the type of paint you use. A primer can hide any stubborn stains or discolorations. Priming your fiberglass bathtub ensures that you will get a high-quality finish.

Water-based primers are popularly used for priming fiberglass surfaces. Both epoxy and acrylic paints have no issues adhering to the water-based primer.

What Kind of Paint Do You Use on a Fiberglass Tub?

Epoxy-based paint is what most people use in repainting a fiberglass bathtub. In most cases, epoxy paints no longer require a primer because it can bond well will the fiberglass.

Epoxy paints have many advantages, including water resistance, scratch resistance, and durability. It also gives you a beautiful finish when properly applied.

However, the application of epoxy paints can be a little challenging. Additionally, these paints may contain more toxins than water-based alternatives.

Another option is to use acrylic paints. Acrylic paints are generally more affordable compared to epoxy-based paints. In addition, they are also less toxic.

Moreover, acrylic paints are also vibrant, flexible, and less likely to turn yellow. However, to ensure good adhesion, you must prime the fiberglass surface with a water-based primer when using acrylic paint.

You may also use urethane paint to refinish your bathtub because it is wear-resistant and capable of providing a beautiful finish. However, this paint is also harsher than acrylic. Most people use this paint on outdoor fiberglass surfaces.

If you need help deciding which paint to use to refinish your bathtub, there are tile and tub refinishing kits that you can buy in the market. This video shows the steps for using the Rust-Oleum kit.

Painting a Fiberglass Bathtub Step-by-Step

how to paint fiberglass tub step by step
Image by: Bunnings.co.nz

Refinishing your fiberglass bathtub yourself is the most economical way. You should be able to do it yourself as long as you have the experience and the will to do it. Below are the quick steps on how to paint your fiberglass bathtub.

Step 1: Cover the floors and the walls to avoid unnecessary mess and additional job. You can use masking tape or painter’s tape to do this. 

Step 2: Wear your hand gloves, goggles, and protective mask before starting the project.

Step 3: Prepare your high-grade epoxy-based paint for the painting job. Stirring the paint solution well before applying it ensures that the paint ingredients are evenly mixed.

Step 4: If you spray-paint your tub, cover the entire walls, mirrors, and floors before you start painting. Otherwise, use a brush instead.

Step 5: Apply a thin layer of paint and let it dry for a few hours. Ensure that the initial coat completely dries before applying another layer.

Step 6: Apply your second coat as soon as the first coating dries completely. Some people will do two coats only, but others prefer three thin coats – it depends on your preference.

Step 7: Apply your waterproof filler or silicone caulk and allow it to cure for at least 24 hours.

Step 8: Reinstall your bathtub hardware and fixtures.

Can I Just Spray-Paint My Bathtub?

You can spray-paint your fiberglass bathtub like any surface. There are ready-mixed spray paints that you can purchase if you wish to use this method. Of course, there are a few things you need to consider.

If you don’t want to use tile and tub refinishing kits, you may also load epoxy-based paint on a sprayer. But you must thin the epoxy paint and apply multiple coats for it to work. I suggest you read this article to learn how to spray epoxy-based coating.

If you wish to spray paint using acrylic, ensure that the surface is primed with water-based primer. Spraying acrylic paint without a primer may cost you more. You might also need to thin the acrylic paint to make it suitable for spraying.

Spray-painting your bathtub can be an option if you are doing it outside, but I would not suggest using that method if you refinish the indoor tub. It will be very messy if you use a sprayer indoors, especially if the ventilation is poor.

If spray painting indoors, you need to cover almost everything. You need to cover your floors, walls, ceilings, and anything near the work area to ensure that the spray paint doesn’t create other problems.

Additional Tips when Painting a Fiberglass Bathtub

  • If you are priming the surface, ensure that the primer fully cures before proceeding with your next step.
  • When applying the paint, apply two or three thin coats instead of a single thick coat. Doing this will give you a more even and professional-looking result.
  •  Only use fine-grit sandpaper to avoid damaging your fiberglass surface.
  • Do not over-sand the fiberglass surface to avoid weakening its components.
  • “Prevention is better than cure.” Remember to wear a mask, gloves, and goggles to avoid health issues.
  • Always prime the surface if you need to hide discoloration or stains.
  • Always prime the surface if you decide to use acrylic paint.
  • Always cover the surrounding walls and floors to avoid creating another repainting or cleaning job. You may need old newspapers, masking tape, or painter’s tape for this job.
  • When possible, remove your bathtub, and do the repainting process outside.
  • Consult a professional if you encounter issues while doing your project to avoid unnecessary additional problems or costs.


Refinishing your old fiberglass bathtub is possible. It can be the most economical choice, especially if you do it yourself. Epoxy-based paint is the ideal paint of choice when refinishing a fiberglass bathtub. 

However, you can also use acrylic paints if you prime the surface with water-based primer. Before painting the bathtub, properly prepare the surface by repairing, cleaning, and lightly sanding it to ensure better adhesion.

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