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Does Paint Dry Darker Or Lighter?

Painting the home to change its look is a fantastic idea. People generally use the shade of paint that compliments their furniture and undertake many efforts in figuring out the perfect shade of paint. While selecting the appropriate shade of paint people consider many points. One such point is whether the paint they will use dries darker or lighter.

It is common for paint to change its shade after drying. Depending on the type of paint, you can experience both lightness and darkness in shades. Mostly oil-based, acrylic, and latex paints dry darker. On the other hand, chalk-based paints and light-colored paints dry lighter. The lightness or darkness of paint also depends on the nature of the surface it is painted on.

In this article, you will learn the reasons behind the change in color of paint after it dries. You will also find out what types of paints dry darker and which one dry lighter. Apart from this, you will also figure out whether applying layers of paint makes it darker. Furthermore, you will learn about the time it takes for paint to dry completely.

Why Does Paint Change Its Color After Drying?

Many factors contribute to changing the color of paint after it dries. Some of these factors include:

Quality of Paint

The quality of paint is the top-most factor influencing the color of paint after drying. A low-quality paint always changes its colors and gives a rough finish after drying. People who use high-quality paint rarely complain of the change in color of the paint after drying.

Many times, to save money people choose low-quality paint and regret it later. The change in color after drying associated with low-quality paint miserably fails to impress the people. A high-quality paint will not only provide you with the desired look but will also last longer.

Type of Paint

Just like quality, the type of paint that was chosen also impacts the color of the paint after drying. Many types of paints are available in the market. Some of the types dry darker than the original shade, while others dry lighter. Similarly, some types dry the same as the original shade.

Oil-based paints, glossy paints, latex, acrylics, and emulsion paints dry darker than their original shade. On the other hand, water-based paints, chalk paints, and matte finish paints appear lighter than the original shade after drying.

So, you need to carefully examine how every type of paint dries, and then choose the appropriate paint to create the look you want.

Evaporation of Solvent

The main reason for the change in color of the paint after drying is the evaporation of the solvent. The solvent is a common part of all paints. When the paint is in the drying stage, the solvent present in it evaporates resulting in a change of color of paint.


The environment in which paint is dried also plays a vital role in changing the color of the paint. If the paint is applied on exterior walls or any other substance placed outdoors, then it is more likely to change its color after drying.

Exposure of wet paint to UV rays and direct sunlight also results in fading its color. Dark and bright-colored paints are more sensitive to UV rays. Thus, change their color when exposed to UV rays. On the other hand, light-colored paints are not much sensitive to UV rays, hence they don’t exhibit any change in color after drying.

Absorption of Water

Paints while drying absorbs water from the air. Paint that absorbs more water becomes thicker and thus appears to be darker. On the other hand, paints that absorb less water while drying appear to be lighter after drying.


The way light hits the painted wall also influences the color of the paint after drying. If the light hits the painted wall or surface directly then the color of the paint will appear darker than it actually is. Similarly, if the painted wall is not exposed to direct light sources, then the color will appear to be lighter than the original color.

Different types of paints behave differently to light. Paints that have a glossy finish appear to be darker when light strikes them. The light-colored paints look even lighter when exposed to light.


The result offered by the paint highly depends on the type of finish you choose. There are many different types of finishes. The common types of finishes include glossy finish, matte finish, egg-shell finish, satin finish, semi-gloss finish, and flat finish.

If you want your paint to look darker then choose a glossy, semi-gloss, or satin finish. On the other hand, if you want your paint to appear lighter than its original shade then go for a matte, egg-shell, or flat finish.

Surface Painted

The material on which paint is applied also affects the lightness or darkness of the paint. The paint applied on a wooden surface looks lighter as compared to when applied on a plastic or concrete surface. Similarly, the surface that is painted for the second time exhibits a darker color as compared to the surface that is painted for the first time.


The surroundings of the painted object also affect the original color of the paint. The paint looks darker on the wall having bright surroundings, as compared to a wall having light surroundings.

Preparation Before Painting

The type of preparations conducted before applying paint also changes the color of the paint. The paint looks darker when applied on a surface that is prepared before painting as compared to an unprepared surface.

To ensure better results always take time to clean, polish, prime, and sand the surface before applying the layer of paint on it.

Does Paint Get Darker or Lighter As It Dries?

Depending upon the type, paint can get both dark and lighter as it dries. There are many different types of paints, each having distinct properties. While selecting the right type of paint, one must consider several factors. One such factor is whether the paint will get dark or light as it dries.

If the type of paint you opt for is likely to get dark after drying, then try to buy one shade lighter than what you want. Similarly, if the type of paint you are getting turns lighter after drying then consider buying one tone darker than the color you want.

Paints That Get Lighter as They Dry

The common types of paints that get lighter as they dry include:

Chalk Paint

Owing to the benefits and ease of application, chalk paint is an extremely popular option among people. However, this type of paint becomes lighter as it dries. This is because chalk paint produces a chalky appearance on the surface which make the paint look lighter.

To create the look you want, while using chalk paints, make sure to apply at least two coats on the surface.

Exterior Paint

Exterior paints are the paints that are applied on the exterior part of buildings or homes. As exterior paints are always exposed to sunlight and UV rays while drying so they dry lighter. Also, the exposure of exterior paint to UV rays, sun rays, and other weather conditions results in fading of paint over time.

Depending on the movement of the sun, shadow, and surroundings you may experience a change in the shade of exterior paint throughout the day.

Light-colored Paints

People who want to have natural shades use light-colored paints. While going for light colors like white, cream, or off-white paint keep in mind that they dry lighter than their original shade.

Water-Based Paints

Water paints have high water content in them. The water content dilutes the paint hence making it look lighter after drying. Also, water present in water-based paints gives them a thin consistency which is directly linked with making them look lighter after they dry.

Paints That Get Darker As They Dry

Well, most of the paints get darker as they dry. If you are looking for paint options that dry darker then you can easily choose one among the following:

Latex Paint

Latex paints dry slower as compared to other paints. While drying slowly, latex paint gets enough time to absorb as much water as it can from the atmosphere. By absorbing water latex paint gets thicker and hence appears to be in a darker shade.

Latex paint is affordable, durable, and widely available, and hence it is used commonly. Many people who are unaware of the fact that it dries darker often buy the wrong shade. To reap the benefits of latex paints, get a shade that is one tone lighter than what you are looking for.

Acrylic Paint

Regarding acrylic paints as the most common paint is not wrong. Acrylic paints are available in different shades, and you can easily find the one that is appropriate per your theme. Just like latex paint, acrylic paint also gets darker as it dries. The evaporation of solvent present in acrylic paints while drying makes them look darker.

Emulsion Paint

Emulsion paints are popular because of their durability, low cost, and easy-to-use features. The low odor and durable finish of emulsion paint make everyone a fan of it. Many emulsions paints are stain-resistant, which further adds to their popularity.

Emulsion paint also takes a long drying time, hence absorbing more water from the air which results in producing a darker shade.

Oil paints

Oil paints have a very glossy finish. The glossy finish makes them look darker after they dry. Also, the shiny and smooth texture of oil-based paint looks dark when light hits them. However, oil-based paints are likely to fade and get yellowish over time.

Does Applying Multiple Layers Make The Final Finish Darker?

The application of multiple layers to make the final finish darker is a highly debated topic among the experts. Some people think that by applying multiple layers one can get a darker finish. While some people argue that applying multiple layers is not linked with the darkening of paint shade.

The divided opinion regarding this made it difficult to answer this question. Generally, it is believed that multiple layers don’t make the final finish darker. However, multiple layers thicken and smoothen the surface hence creating the impression of darkness in the final finish.

Some of the characteristics of applying multiple layers that generate the impression of darker final fish include:

Smoothening of Surface

It is proven that paint looks darker on a smooth surface. By applying multiple layers of paint, you can make the surface smooth and hence can make your paint look darker.

Many scratches, cracks, and pores remain visible after one coat of paint. These scratches, cracks, and pores not only look terrible but also ruin the surface. By applying multiple layers of paint, you can hide the scratches and cracks and can clog the pores. All these will then contribute to providing you with better finishing.

Increase in Vibrancy

By applying multiple layers of paint, you can increase the vibrancy of the paint. The increase in vibrancy then provides the impression of a darker final finish. In case the paint is thin in consistency, applying multiple layers makes it thick and hence makes the final finish look darker.

Last longer

A single layer of paint is exposed directly to the sunlight and hence fades easily over time. The fadedness makes the paint look lighter. To make your final finish darker and last longer make sure to apply at least two coats of paint.  

Multiple layers limit the exposure to sunlight and don’t fade quickly. Hence gives the feeling of a darker final finish.

Adds Shine

Applying multiple layers of paint adds shine to the painted object. Hence make the final finish look darker.

Shortly it can be said that no such proof of having a darker finish by applying multiple layers of paint exists. However, the multiple layers of paint make the surface shiny, smooth, and durable hence make one believe that the finish is darker than it would have been after applying just a single layer.

How Long To Wait Until Paint Dries To Its True Colour?  

Many different factors help in determining the time it takes for the paint to dry to its true color. Some of these factors include:

Type of Paint

The type of paint used is the major determinant of the time it takes for the paint to dry. The oil-based paints take around 6 to 8 hours to dry completely. Latex paints dry to their true color in 7 to 8 hours. Many water-based paints take three hours of drying time.


If the weather is hot and dry, then it takes fewer hours for the paint to dry completely. On the other hand, in the presence of humidity paint takes more drying time.

Coats Applied

The coats applied also influence the time it takes for the paint to dry to its true color. If one coat is applied it will dry quickly, and if multiple coats are applied then the paint will dry to its true color in more time.


If the room that is painted is well-ventilated, then it will not take much longer for the paint to dry to its true color. To make the paint dry faster, make sure to open the windows and turn on the fan.


To sum up it can be said that paint can dry both lighter and darker. The type of paint, its quality, the presence of a solvent, and many other factors help in determining whether the paint will get lighter or darker as it dries. To make your room look perfect and according to the overall theme, make sure to examine the type of paint and choose the shade that dries as per your demands.

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