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How To Get Rid Of Spray Paint Smell?

Spray painting is a great idea for decorating your room or building and for giving it a new look. The easy application, affordability, and less drying time of spray paint are making it popular. The only drawback of spray paint is that it leaves behind a strong odor that irritates and is harmful for health. Luckily, many ways can help in getting rid of the spray paint smell.

The common ways to get rid of the spray paint smell include using scented candles, coffee beans, charcoal, and air fresheners. In many cases, people can get rid of the smell of spray paint within hours with the help of these simple ways.  However, depending on the intensity of the smell you may need to try out some different ways.

In this article, you will find out some ways of getting rid of the paint smell. Also, you will discover the effects of spray paint on human health. Along with that, you will learn about whether it is safe to sleep in a room with spray paint fumes or not. Additionally, you will find out the time it takes for the spray paint smell to go away naturally.

How Harmful Is Spray Paint Smell?

The presence of spray paint smell in a room poses serious threats to human health. Spray paint contains harmful toxins and noxious gases. These harmful chemicals have both short-term and long-term effects on human health.

Some of the effects of spray paint smell on human health include:


The gases present in spray paint can give one instant headache. By spending half an hour in a room with a spray paint smell you can experience headaches or migraines.


Nausea too is experienced by spending time in a room or venue with a spray paint smell. The foul smell of spray paint contributes to causing nausea in humans.

Shortness of Breath

The presence of toxins in spray paint makes breathing difficult. People while working with spray paint or while spending time in a room with a spray paint smell often complain of difficulty in breathing.


Spray paint smell is also responsible for causing eye, nose, and throat irritation. The noxious gases when inhaled can cause itchiness and irritation in the throat. Also, the spray paint smell can leave one with itchy, teary, and irritated eyes.

Lungs Failure

Prolonged exposure to spray paint smell can even disrupt the normal functionality of the lungs. People who work with spray paint occasionally and don’t take enough safety precautions are likely to have their lungs fail.

Central Nervous System Interruption

One of the long-term harmful effects of spray paint smell includes disturbance of the central nervous system. The chemicals present in spray paint not only disturb the functionality of the nervous system but also are responsible for causing brain strokes.

Loss Of Coordination

Many people experience loss of coordination after breathing in a room with a spray paint smell. This is probably because the chemicals present in spray paint interfere with the functioning of the brain, hence making coordination difficult.

Damages Heart

The toxins present in spray paint mix with the blood and thus disturb the overall health of the heart. Also, the mixing of toxins in blood can cause internal organ failure.

How Long Does It Take for Spray Paint Smell To Go Away Naturally? 

There is no specific answer to the query regarding the amount of time it takes for the smell of spray paint to go away naturally. Generally, the time it takes for the spray paint smell to go away naturally depends on several factors.

Some of these factors include:

The Area Painted

The area painted is among the top factors that determine the amount of time it takes for the spray paint smell to go away. It takes less time for the paint smell to go away from a small room as compared to a large room.

The Intensity Of Paint

The intensity and the number of chemicals present in spray paints also determine the time it takes for the paint smell to go away. If paint that is not much intense and has a lower-chemical amount is used, then the smell will go away quicker. Similarly, if multiple coats or spray paints are applied then the smell will take longer to dissipate.

The Ventilation Of Area

The smell will go away quickly if the painted area is well-ventilated. The absence of ventilation and airflow through the painted area makes it difficult to get rid of the smell naturally.

The Surface Painted

The time it takes for spray paint smell to leave also depends on the surface on which it is sprayed. Spray paint smell takes longer to go away when applied on wooden surfaces as compared to when applied on plastic surfaces.

The Quality of Paint

The smell of high-quality spray paints goes away quickly as compared to the smell of low-quality spray paints. Many high-quality spray-paints have added fragrance to them thus they leave no smell behind. On the other hand, low-quality spray paints are composed of a huge amount of toxins, thus they leave a foul smell behind that doesn’t go away for weeks naturally.


 The atmosphere also helps in determining the time it takes for the spray paint smell to go away. In the presence of humidity, spray paint takes a longer drying time, hence the smell lasts for a long time. It is always advised to check for humidity levels before working with spray paints. Avoid spray painting if the humidity level is too high.


Moisture does not allow the surface to dry quickly, hence making it difficult to get rid of the paint smell. Before spray painting, always check for leakage and dampness on the wall. If there are any leakages in the wall, make sure to get it repaired before applying spray paint.

To sum up it can be said that it is normal for the spray paint’s smell to last for weeks naturally. However, many factors influence the time it takes for the spray paint smell to leave the room. By considering these factors, one can take proper efforts to get rid of the smell fast.

Things You Can Do To Get Rid Of Spray Paint Smell Fast

Some of the things that people do to get rid of spray paint smell easily and quickly include:

1. Use Scented Candles

Using scented candles is the easiest way to get rid of the spray paint smell. To get rid of spray paint fumes using scented candles, you just need to light two to three candles and place them in the room.  The smoke of scented candles will spread throughout the room and will help you in getting rid of the smell within an hour.

Scented candles are becoming an extremely popular item in every home. Also, they are available in many different options. You can easily use the one that you like the best.

2. Throw Coffee Beans In the Room

Using coffee beans is another popular way of getting rid of the spray paint smell. Coffee beans are used widely as odor-absorbing substances. To remove the smell quickly using coffee beans, all you need to do is put coffee beans in a bowl and place it in the middle of the painted room and leave it for a few hours.

Or you can simply throw coffee beans all across the room and let it do wonders. To reap the full advantage of using coffee beans for reducing smell make sure to keep the area well-ventilated.

3. Use Vinegar

To remove the smell using vinegar you need to pour it into several dishes and leave them in the room for a day.

Vinegar contains strong acids. The acid breaks the odor particles hence helping in getting rid of the spray paint smell. Both white vinegar and apple cider vinegar can help you in getting rid of the paint smell quickly. You can use the easily available one.

4. Keep the painted area well-ventilated

Ensuring proper ventilation of the spray-painted area, allows the paint to dry quickly and helps in getting rid of smell quickly. While spray painting makes sure to open the windows and doors and turn on the exhaust or fans to allow air to pass easily through the area.

By doing this you can avoid the adverse effects associated with accidental inhaling of spray paint fumes while getting rid of the smell quickly.

5. Sprinkle Baking Soda

Baking soda is found in almost every home. If you are looking for cheaper ways to get rid of the spray paint smell, then baking soda is ideal for you. Being acidic, baking soda breaks down the odor particles and thus helps in getting rid of the paint smell quickly.

Baking soda has been widely used as an odor absorber for decades. Not only does it absorb the odor but also helps in refreshing the room. To get rid of the spray paint smell using baking soda, you just need to sprinkle it all over the room and leave it overnight. Afterward, you can vacuum the area and get rid of baking soda simply.

6. Use citric acid

Another thing that can help you in getting rid of a spray paint smell is citric acid. Citric acid helps in neutralizing the smell and refreshes the room. Lemons are a great source of citric acid. You can slice the lemon and place them in painted areas, or you can squeeze the lemon in a bowl of water and place it in the middle of the room.

7. Place a water bucket in the room

A bucket full of water when placed in a painted area helps in removing the smell quickly. Water is a natural odor absorbent, thus helping in getting rid of spray paint smell quickly. Using a water bucket to get rid of the spray paint smell is a great idea when the painted area is small or when the smell isn’t very strong. By adding salt to the water, you can experience even better results.

8. Place a piece of onion in the room

Onions also help in getting rid of the spray paint smell from the room. The acid present in onion removes the odor particles resulting in leaving an odor-free room.  To use onions for getting rid of the smell, you need to slice the onion and place the slices in the corners of the room.

Make sure to leave onions in a room for fewer hours and don’t use many onions, otherwise, you will be left with a room that smells like onions.

9. Use Essential Oils for Odour Removal

Many essential oils have the properties of removing smell from a room or clothes. If you want to get rid of the spray paint smell from a room in no time, then consider using these essential oils. Eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil, tea tree oil, or clove oil are among the best oil options for odor elimination.

All you need to do is pour some drops of these essential oils on cotton balls and throw the cotton balls in the whole area. By leaving these cotton balls for a few hours you can have a fresh and fragrant spray-painted area.

10. Place Charcoal Pouches in Room

Charcoal is also an excellent odor remover. Being odor remover charcoal is used in many air purifiers.  Owing to the popularity of this odor absorber, people are also using it to get rid of the smell in shoes.

Activated charcoal can be a great help in eliminating the smell of spray paint from the room. Activated charcoal is readily available in the market. All you need to do is to put a small amount of charcoal in pouches or a bowl and leave it for a few hours. After a few hours discard the charcoal and you are all set to spend time in the painted area.

11. Install Air Purifiers

Air purifiers also play a significant role in removing paint odor from the room quickly. Owing to the benefits of air purifiers people have been using them in their homes and buildings for a long time. By installing air purifiers, you can remove the spray paint smell from the room, can get rid of germs in the room, have purified air, and can have a room with a relaxing environment.

12. Use Vanilla Extracts

Having very pleasant fragrances, vanilla is a major component of many perfumes, air fresheners, and air purifiers. Vanilla extracts not only remove odor from the room but also provide a refreshing feeling.

Using vanilla extract to get rid of the spray paint smell is a great idea. If the vanilla extract is not available, then you can use lavender extracts as well.

What happens if you sleep in a room with a spray paint smell?

Sleeping in a room with a spray paint smell is not safe. The effects of spray paint smell on human health are severe. By sleeping in a room with a paint smell you may experience asthma attacks and irritation in the nose, throat, and eyes.

Apart from this you will also have difficulty in breathing and may feel unconscious. Many times, people feel nauseous and even vomit while sleeping in a room with a spray paint smell. Walking up with a headache is a common thing to experience after sleeping in a room with a spray paint smell.

Prolonged exposure to spray paint smell can cause cancer and even result in organ failure. Given all the above effects of sleeping in a room with spray paint, it is advised to avoid sleeping in a spray painted room for at least 3 to 4 days.


To sum up it can be said that the spray paint smell can last for many days. The smell not only is irritating but is also dangerous for human health. To get rid of the paint smell quickly, you need to try out certain ways.

Avoid spending too much time in a room with spray paint smell as it is dangerous for your health. In addition, make sure to follow the safety precautions while working with spray paints. Seek medical services in case anything goes wrong.

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